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“In many respects the world finds itself at a fork in the culinary road. If we rush headlong down the techno-food route, then manufactured highly-...
Friends old and new stopped by the blog this year to share their passion for food and nutrition with us at Oldways, and all of you who read our blog...
The Cheese of Choice Coalition (CCC) was an eager participant in the recent Yale Food Systems Symposium . Bringing together academics, practitioners...
Ever wonder what food experts always have in their kitchens in case of an emergency? Or just because they are their favorite, most versatile...
Does glycemic index matter? That’s the key question in a new study, published this week in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) and...
Red wines aren’t the only things that can age gracefully. New research in the British Medical Journal suggests that the Mediterranean Diet is...
Pascaline Aoudou, is a nurse’s aid, a student of Health Administration, and a health trainer for moms-to-be. Originally from Cameroon, Africa,...
I just learned the very sad news that Dimitrios Trichopoulos died this morning in Athens, surrounded by family and friends, and most importantly,...
It’s easy to think that when you embrace a vegetarian or vegan diet you have to give up the delicious taste of smoked foods. Not so! Just think past...
Earlier this year I had the great pleasure of attending an event at the Culinary Institute of America at Greystone, in California’s Napa Valley. It...
L to R: Kelly Toups, Mallory Cushman, Cynthia Harriman, Rachel Greenstein, Sara Baer-Sinnott and Harley Songin Oldways and the Whole Grains Council...
It is always a special event, heading to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (AND) annual Food & Nutrition Conference and Expo , to meet...
