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Active time
10 minutes
Total time
30 minutes
8 servings

1 (16-ounce) box durum wheat spaghetti or fettucine, preferably whole grain, or 1 (16-ounce) box egg pasta

4 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil or butter, or a mixture of 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil and 2 tablespoons butter

½ cup grated Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese

Sea salt and pepper, to taste

Fresh truffle (or substitute extra virgin olive oil with truffles)


1. Bring a large pot of water to a boil. Cook pasta according to directions, drain, reserving 1 cup of pasta water, and set aside.

2. Meanwhile, in a medium skillet, heat the olive oil or butter.   

3. When the olive oil or butter is bubbling, add the cooked pasta to the skillet. 

4. Add Parmigiano Reggiano, salt and pepper to taste, and pasta water if necessary, and stir. 

5. Shave fresh truffles on top of the pasta, and serve. 

NOTE:  An alternative to adding shaved pasta on top is to use truffle-flavored extra virgin olive oil, or a mixture of extra virgin olive oil and butter

An Oldways recipe and photo


Calories: 300
Total Fat: 13g
Saturated Fat: 4g
Sodium: 90mg
Carbohydrate: 39g
Fiber: 5g
Total Sugar: 0g
(Added Sugar: 0g)
Protein: 14g

Yield: 8 servings

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