In honor of Vegetarian Awareness Month in October 2016, Oldways, Meatless Monday, and The Humane Society of the United States teamed up to launch a month-long campaign called Vegtoberfest. Next time October rolls around – or any month, in fact! – we invite you to take inspiration from our original Vegtoberfest content below, and discover how healthy, nourishing, and downright delicious a diet of plants can be.
1. “Why I’m a vegetarian” stories
We asked our friends in the food world – including Dean Ornish, Frances Moore Lappé and a host of doctors, authors, chefs, actors and more – to share their personal motivation for eating plant-based meals, for their own health and that of the planet. Check out our featured Vegtoberfest stories.
2. Vegtoberfest Swaps
Tipping your meals and snacks in a more plant-based direction is easy with these three simple infographics.
3. Vegtoberfest Must-Reads
Want more inspiration? We’ve included links to some great blogs and stories inspired by the original Vegtoberfest.
44 Must-Try Vegetarian and Vegan Recipes, via Alissa Rumsey
Mexican Chocolate Love Bites, via Ellen Kanner
With A Cornucopia of Plant Foods on Your Plate, You Won’t Miss the Meat, via US News
The Humbleness of Onions plus Vegtoberfest Recipes, via Cuisinicity
Are You Eating Enough Plants?, via Oldways
October Is Vegtoberfest: Celebrate All Month Long!, via Meatless Monday
Vegetarian and Vegan Diet Resources, via Oldways
Eater’s Digest Vegtoberfest Edition, Meatless Monday
Nutrition Experts Reveal Their Secrets For Eating More Plants, via Oldways