For oatmeal fans who want more protein in their breakfast, adding yogurt and egg does the trick, making this somewhat like bread pudding. Although ⅔ cup of oats contains 3 grams of protein, you’ll get an additional 6 grams of protein by adding the egg, and even more if you top it with yogurt.
5 minutes
1 Serving
1 egg
⅓ cup milk
⅓ cup quick-cooking oats
¼ cup finely chopped apple
1 tablespoon sugar (optional)
¼ teaspoon ground cinnamon
Dash salt (optional)
¼ cup vanilla yogurt
Mary Dunkersloot, Courtesy of the Egg Nutrition Center
Hi Wanda,
If you’re going to make this with steel-cut oats, then you’ll have to do it on the stovetop, rather than the microwave, and increase the cooking time.
I am a kid and I made this for my grams and she said she LOVED it.
Best recipie EVER
Hi Michael! Your Grams is lucky to have someone like you to cook for her!
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