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Vegetarian & Vegan Diet

Posted on Mar 06 2018

Vegetarian and Vegan Vitamin B12 Food Sources

Sources of vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is one of the greatest nutritional concerns for vegetarians and vegans, because vitamin B12 is generally found only in animal foods. If youre concerned that you may not be getting enough B12, look for some of these foods.

Sources of Vitamin B12 for Vegans
Food Serving b12 (mcg)
Almond milk, fortified with vitamin B12 1 cup 3*
Coconut milk, fortified with vitamin B12& 1 cup 3*
Nutritional Yeast 1 tablespoon 2*
Soymilk, original, fortified with vitamin B12 1 cup 1.2*
Ready-to-eat cereal, fortified with vitamin B12 ½ to ¾ cup 0.6-6*

*May vary depending on product or brand.

Sources of Vitamin B12 for Vegetarians
Food serving b12 (mcg)
Yogurt, plain, low-fat 8 ounces 1.37
Milk, low-fat 8 ounces 1.15
Cottage cheese, 1% ¾ cup 1.07
Cheese, Swiss 1 ounce 0.95
Egg 1 whole, medium 0.39
Ice cream, vanilla ½ cup .26

All nutritional information from USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference or food manufacturer labeling.

Do I need a VITAMIN B12 supplement

As with all dietary supplements, it’s important to discuss B12 supplementation with your healthcare provider, especially if you’re vegetarian or vegan. Your healthcare provider can help you determine how much (if any) supplementation is right for you. Its important to consider that folatetypically high in vegetarian and vegan diets can mask the presence of vitamin B12 deficiency. The preferred form of B12 supplements is cyanocobalamin.

Generally speaking, if youre vegan (meaning you don’t eat ANY animal products), B12 supplements are recommended at levels that meet 100% or more of the recommended daily allowance. In fact, the Vegetarian Nutrition Dietetic Practice Group suggests that vegans consume much higher levels of vitamin B12 (250mcg/day for adults) to compensate for poor absorption of supplements. Regardless of diet preference, the National Institutes of Health recommends that all adults over 50 years of age receive most of their vitamin B12 through supplements and fortified foods, due to impaired absorption that occurs during aging.

Vegetarian and Vegan Menu Plan Book

Tips for A balanced plant-based diet

Though often defined by what they don’t contain, plant-based diets are actually some of the most well-balanced, delicious eating patterns around. Here are a few plant-based recipes to get you started:

For a more guided look at how to build healthy vegetarian meal plans, check out our Oldways 4-week Vegetarian & Vegan Diet Menu Plan, which will help you create satisfying, balanced, budget-friendly meals inspired by cuisines from different cultures. The recipes are based of of the Vegetarian & Vegan Diet Pyramid, and feature an abundance of delicious, healthy foods such as vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, whole grains, legumes, herbs, and spices.

Kelly Toups, Director of Nutrition

If you’re interested in healthy eating, join the Make Every Day Mediterranean Club Facebook group for additional information and support.

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69 Responses to "Vegetarian and Vegan Vitamin B12 Food Sources"
  • Jacob says:

    Really great article… i am 14 and really learned a lot, i was wondering if the options listed for vegans are normally fortified or is it more of a specialty. Thanks

    • Katherine-Oldways says:

      Hi Jacob, I am glad you liked the article! A lot of the options listed for vegans usually are fortified, (like non-dairy milk and cereals.) Just make sure to check the labels!

  • Reggie Sanasy says:

    Excellent comments. But B12 vitamins come from dairy products which is good. I have had symptoms of lack of B12. Feeling better after dairy products consumption.

  • Rosa Lokey says:

    There have been many gains in understanding fruits vegetables and plants in the past 40 years and ahe nutritional value they supply to the human body. It is now known that Shitake Mushrooms are an excellent source of B12. I have been a vegan for 29 years and i do not take vitamin supplements and I am extremely heathy. I eat about 50 mg of mushrooms a day. Also a good source of iron is any squash.

  • Lance says:

    As this article has shown, B12 is ONLY available via animal sources. If vegetable-based foods are fortified with B12, or you take B12 supplement tablets, that B12 came from animal sources. It is impossible to be 100% vegan and get 100% DV of B12. If you don’t mind consuming “a bit of animal product” you can get sufficient B12

  • Ashley says:

    I’m thirteen and I am trying to go all vegan because I feel healthier eating plant based. However, my parents, who are doctors of heart and nutrition, are telling me that I can’t go all vegan and still have to eat some organic meats because I won’t be getting any B12. They think that I have very low B12 in me because I’ve been getting very depressed and not wanting to eat anything lately, but all I want to do is go vegan but they won’t let me because of this. Is it healthy at my age to go vegan and take B12 supplements?

  • sharanya says:

    This blog is very usefull for everyone . Thank you .keep up the good work.

  • Bishal Pandia says:

    Is vitamin B12 deficiency, the cause for premature greying of hair, if yes, could you please tell me the medication for it?
    P. S: I am a vegetarian

  • jay says:

    i dunno about you guys but i dont plan on taking supplements for the rest of my life, yet i dont plan on ever eating animals or milk or eggs either, either i need to get b12 from home grown food or im gonna have to accept evolution, if i got a blood test one day and was b12 deficient and i ate mostly organic unwashed food id be devastated.. which makes me wonder if boiling food would kill the b12, may have to go raw, id love to know how little raw food we needed to get enough b12 and if i could still eat cooked food at all

  • Praj K says:

    Thank you so much for the wonderful article. I am a vegetarian person. I am facing a few health issues because of B12. but it’s hard for me to eat eggs or meat all of sudden as I never ate since the time I was born. Thank you very much

  • Jd says:

    So I have a question. In a pre-dominantly vegetarian culture such as India, how is b12 being supplemented in their diets? I do not think their dairy products are fortified. Is everyone taking pills?

  • john says:

    my grandfather ate mainly fruit from hjs trees vegetables from his garden meat occasionally excersized regularly lived to age ninety two years of age without any chronic diseases no b12 supplements no vitamin pills there is too much conflicting views about which is the best diet to follow whether it be vegan vegetarian paleo ketogenic etc my advice is keep it simple like my late grandfather did and your health should be okay

  • Anonymous says:

    Are there any nuts, fruits, vegetables, or grains that are high in b12?

    • Hannah-Oldways says:

      Vitamin B12 is generally found in animal foods. The best plant-based food sources of B12 will be the fortified and dairy foods listed in the table in our blog post.

  • Senthil says:


  • Santosh Kumar Rai says:

    Sir, I want to know witch vegetables have b12, sources.
    Watch vegetables suggest you

    • Hannah-Oldways says:

      B12 sources typically come from animal foods and not vegetables. The charts in the blog post above may be helpful for finding sources of B12. Some examples include fortified almond milk, yogurt, milk, cheese and eggs.

  • farah naser says:

    where can i find B12 in fruits?

    • kelly–oldways says:

      Unfortunately there is not a significant amount of B12 in fruits. B12 comes from animal foods.

  • Donna says:

    What is in the vit b12 in the supplemented foods?

    • kelly-oldways says:

      The B12 in supplemented foods is usually cyanocobalamin. It is made through bacterial fermentation or synthesized in vitro before it is crystallized. Fermentation is performed by a variety of microorganisms into a form of adenosylcobalamin, which is then converted to cyanocobalamin by adding potassium cyanide in the presence of sodium nitrate with heat.

      • Jigar Gondalia says:

        I Agree! Eggs and Fish can be the best source of B2. If you are a vegetarian then you can consume Dairy Products and Eggs.

  • Sara Webb says:

    I’ve been vegetarian for the past 25 yrs and vegan for about 3 yrs. I can not digest dairy products and as result I gain weight. I have to take B-12 vitamin supplements and leafy green veg. juices. I have to tell you that I have never felt this good and energetic before.

  • Ken says:

    Where does the B12 come from that’s in supplements and/or fortified foods?

    • kelly–oldways says:

      Cyanocobalamin is the most widely made B12 supplement forms, and it is made through bacterial fermentation or synthesized in vitro before it is crystallized. Fermentation is performed by a variety of microorganisms into a form of adenosylcobalamin, which is then converted to cyanocobalamin by adding potassium cyanide in the presence of sodium nitrate with heat. Most of it is made in France right now. Most of these supplements are marked “vegan” indicating that they are not made with animal sources. This is not the same form of B12 that is in animal foods.

  • Jacke Rose says:

    I’ve been vegetarian for 40 years, I’m 65 and have been getting B12 shots from my doctor for the past 3 or 4 years. I do this not because I’m vegetarian, but because, with age people do not absorb B12 as well as before. Actually, with age there are many adjustments needed in one’s diet and exercise program.

  • Jeffrey Pfeifer says:

    The fortified foods with B12 is necessary because the natural source is from animal meat.
    Does that mean that vegan B12 is synthetic?

    • Jes says:

      The natural source of the bacteria that makes up vitamin b12 is dirt, which the animal consumes while eating plants. Except most animals do not eat many plants anymore so the animals are injected with b12. When you eat meat, you are getting b12 that has been injected into or consumed by and used by an animal. Supplements that vegans/vegetarians take are more bioavailable and are not acquired secondhand.

      • Jessi says:

        So, can we just pick our veggies and fruit from our organic gardens, not wash them before eating and just get our b12 from the microorganisms in the dirt? There’s got to be a better way than supplementing with expensive vitamins. I am starting to transition to a vegetarian diet and eventually to a vegan diet, but since I raise my own chickens, I’m seriously thinking about continuing to eat eggs in moderation rather than paying for supplements. What would all the vegans do without pharmaceutical manufacturers to supply the supplements? Also, I don’t want to eat fortified cereals, as I don’t want to use products that aren’t possible to make myself. We are way too dependent upon mass production of our foods and basically all of the goods we use. Anyone seriously committed to being a part of the solution for curbing the damage being done to our environment needs to take a hard look at the impacts of their consumption habits.

        • natural vegan says:

          finally some one who is sane and thinks like i do.. i dont know about you but im sick to death of stressing about this vitamin b12 issue, i love animals, but i can not live with myself having to take these pills, i find myself searching all day everyday about how the hell to get off them it has consumed my life, i see theres rastas in jamaica who are also against supplements but science simply refuses to research getting b12 from food and i think its because if you are into science.. you arent into being natural lol.. the day when a study comes out saying organic food is rich in b12 will be the best day of my life, i just cant believe the lack of natural people who think like you and i do, i am probably even more anti supplement than you are lol

          • Terry says:

            Try duck weed as a source of B12

          • Amelia Avossa says:

            Finally also someone who thinks like me! im not touching supplements! noone did thousands of years ago so there has to be a way!? Add me me on FB id love to speak b12

      • Diane says:

        Thumbs up on this information. Thank you Jes.

  • Sood says:

    Hello sir I am obese person . I am pure vegetarian. I am 5 feet in height and my weight 66 mg. I am anemic and deficiency of B12. And I taking supplement. And I start exercise last week. I gaining wait not reducing. I am very worried about my health. Plz suggest me what is Good for me.

    • Maasai says:

      Many people consider themselves vegetarian if they eat no meat..but continually eat process food..drink sodas high in white sugar and many other dangerous additives..process food has been robbed of natural nutrients from The Creator..when eating unatural foods made by man the body is robbed of various vital ingredients..leaving most being over weight perhaps obese and under undernourished..finding themselves having to eat more to compensate…maybe too much starch..doughnuts..bread..pasta as well as plenty dairy etc..one pount we are the only spieces that continually drink the milk from another mammal thats not designed for our species and still wonder why we have more Osteo porosis than any other country? What are you eating…

    • kelly-oldways says:

      We recommend that you speak with your doctor or a dietitian in your area to find an eating plan that works for you!

  • Sibongile says:

    Thank you for such an informative article. I have been vegetarian for the past 30years haven’t faced any major health challenges. Why however wondering if my diet won’t give me challenges at around 50 ( am approaching that mark now) I am happy I now know how to improve my vitamin B12. I am sorry Bruce I think you harsh to the vegetarians. Some people actually become vegetarian after getting advice from physicians as a way of improving their health. Every diet has it’s down side.

    • Aesha says:

      Hi Sibongile, I wouldn’t worry about it! I am 59 and vegetarian for over 30yrs, no flesh fish or eggs, I have knowledge of herbs and Ayurvedic, I grow organic herbs in my garden and use gotu kola, turmeric, triphala,ginkgo bilboa lemon water (organic and distilled) moringa, ginger , hibiscus, cranberry,pomegranate etc these are available in most health stores, have infused gotu kola lemon balm dandelion root ginkgo hibiscus warm with organic honey look into herb law and eat organic veg and fruit, cranberry pomegranate and grape juice with a little monmoncery cherry juice will balance most of the physical system and milk thistle regenerates the liver as cranberry pomegranate detox kidney and dissolve stones clean arteries while dandelion root is a powerful antioxidant antibacterial anti inflammatory and is known for stopping cancer cells. The point is that a sensible vegetarian is likely to live a longer healthy life than a carnivore but no msg or junk! Love and light

    • kelly-oldways says:

      We’re glad you enjoyed the article!

  • Leslie says:

    Bruce, I have been a healthy vegetarian for 47 years. As you know, many people who eat meat also take ill and die. In fact, we all do. Information about good nutrition is readily available to anyone who is interested. I hope that everyone, whatever their dietary choice, would take advantage of both that knowledge and the bounty of nutritious foods available in our markets.

    • Mel says:

      I am a vegetarian of three years and vegan of four months. I have yet to drop dead. (; I feel that many vegetarians and vegans are more informed about nutrition and health than their meat eating counter parts. ♡

      • Butchie says:

        Mel and others, As long as you understand meat is a wonder food, all the rest is fluff. I admire your dedication to eating plants though- more meat for me!

  • Cyndi says:

    I have taken B6, B12 sublingual tablets from Tri-Vita and feel confident in the quality and integrity of this company.

  • J says:

    Sorry if I missed it, but I don’t see it listed what the recommended MCG of B12 is anywhere. Would it be very difficult to get all B12 through the items listed in the Vegetarian list (e.g., cream cheese, yogurt) + a few things from the Vegan list such as fortified almond milk?

  • Bruce says:

    It is really obvious that begins and vegetarians don’t have a healthy lifestyle; may times people seem to do it just to be different or lose weight. If you have to supplement to be healthy, your diet is not healthy. I understand eating vegetarian meals every now and then, but not permanently. So many people have died and gotten sick because they are not educated about these diets. Please be careful to inform your readers that you can’t just start his diet without doing some research.

    • Frog says:

      I’ve been vegetarian for over a year and I feel fine. I’ve honestly gotten sick less than usual. I didn’t do any research, really. I was just crying all the time because I felt bad about eating animals. I didn’t do it to lose weight, or as some cool fad diet. I honestly never want to eat meat again.

    • Carlos says:

      Your comment is misinforming / if properly educated about vegan/vegetarian nutrition, it is much healthier than a diet with animal source products. Keep learning !

    • Timmy says:

      Just to clear up something you said about supplementing your diet. All factory farmed meat is now supplemented with B vitamins. The use of herbicides and pesticides kills the naturally occurring vitamins in the soil. So farmers have now started to supplement their cows with b vitamins. Which means a non meat eater supplementing with b vitamins is getting a cleaner source than the actual meat eater.

    • Sonya says:

      Bruce, I appreciate your concern but really every one needs to look at sound nutrition advice. I am a successful vegan for 28 years. I exercise regularly and am known for my robust health and strength. I didn’t choose this to be different, nor has anyone that I know who has chosen this. I think that accusation is unfair. Non-veggie folks are not necessarily more sound in their food choices. Believe me, being a health care provider for 40 years I have seen a marked rise in obesity and diseases related to unhealthy diets. I think promoting a way of eating that can promote health as well as the reduction of environmental stresses to the planet is completely appropriate and necessary. The tragedy surrounding avoidable serious health problems must be confronted head on and I believe organism is a quite reasonable option. Thank you for your time and best wishes to you!

      • Don W says:

        I love to see health care providers say out loud that food causes disease. Bad foods cause inflammation, and almost all disease is caused by inflammation. It’s amazing the amount of doctors that basically say diets aren’t that big of an issue. Do you have peer reviewed studies by chance? They seem to be just starting.

      • Elsy says:

        Hi Sonya;
        First of all thank you for your sevice. I have been on vegan dite and lifestayel for the last 8year. I eat mostl organic,wholefoods and never take any suppliments including B12. Even thought I am perfecly healthy, always full of energy and generally happy I sometime wonder if I should atlist take b12. I would appreciate if you could give me your personal opinion on taking supliments? Such as B12, iron. Do you take any supplement yourself? I understand its not a medical advise so feel free to give me all you got. 🙂 because I am pro natural way all the way.

  • M J Greene says:

    Have been taking Trader Joe brand B12 sublingual tablets. Does anyone know if these are actually valid?

    • kelly–oldways says:

      Hi MJ, For advice on supplements, we suggest that you speak with your physician or dietitian. They might be able to offer additional insights or suggest specific brands.

  • Renee C says:

    Thank you so much for this article, I am a vegetarian and I constantly have people telling me I’m going to drop dead if I’m not getting the right balance of vitamins, now I know I can get b12 without meat or animal products. Thank you thank you thank you!

  • Erin says:

    Val Morrison,
    Look up druglessdrs.com they are awesome at what they do and I’m sure the will have some answers for you.

  • Val Morrison says:

    I had bariatric surgery in 2006. I am under doctor order to twice a day multivitamins, calcium and vitamin B12 supplement. I’m live WFPB since 2006. Lost over 200 pounds and need to know what produce I should be eating to stop taking these pills. Please help me!

    • kathy dunn says:

      Try Dr. Greger’s work on plant based eating for answers. His book “How not to Die” is an excellent resource and if you plug in what you are looking for on his website, you will find answers: https://nutritionfacts.org/book/

    • SuzyMorris says:

      After bariatric surgery many people’s ability to produce HCL declines. HCL is needed to separate B12 from protein, it is naturally attached to a protein when it is consumed in food, and it must be separated first to absorb it. A B12 supplement may have been prescribed to you so you can absorb it with a lack of HCL production.

    • Suzy says:

      Hi Val! First of all so proud of you! That is a MAJOR feat losing all that weight and committing to living a healthier lifestyle! The thing about bariatric surgery is that is can cause your stomach to produce less HCL. HCl is needed to separate B12 from protein that it is attached to when it is consumed from food. Your doctor (and FYI I am not a doctor) may have you on a supplement so you can absorb the B12 despite a lack of HCL.

    • kelly–oldways says:

      Hi Val, That is quite an impressive transformation! We’re not doctors, so can’t comment on what types of pills you should or shouldn’t be taking. We highly recommend that you work with a physician and dietitian in your area to find an eating plan that works for you. However, as noted in the article above, B12 is often recommended for folks on a WFPB diet because it isn’t found in produce or unfortified plant foods.

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