Eat Chocolate for Breakfast. Drink Wine at Bedtime to Help You Lose Weight. Butter is Back.  

These are just a few of the headlines consumers have seen in newspapers, blogs, magazines, websites and television shows in the last year. No wonder people say they are confused and have no idea how they should eat—and therefore—just give up. Adding to the confusion, public perception is that nutrition advice changes every day, leaving many of us scratching our heads at the ongoing food fight, and saying, “Can’t those experts agree on anything?”

Oldways figured there was only one way to answer that question: Gather some of the world’s most respected nutrition experts in one room, let them have their say, then ask them to reach consensus—to find common ground—on what we really know about eating well.

So, on November 17 and 18, Oldways brought together a “Dream Team” of the world’s top nutrition scientists, with a range of differing views (from Paleo to vegan), and asked them to listen to one another and come to a meeting of the minds about what is a healthy and sustainable way of eating. With help from scientific co-chairs Walter Willett, MD (Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health) and David Katz, MD (Yale Prevention Research Center) these leading experts crafted a ground-breaking consensus statement. Check out the results on the links below:

Main Oldways Common Ground page

Common Ground Consensus Statement

Videos and Presentations from Speakers

PDF of the Conference Program Book, with Abstracts

The Oldways Cart — a Graphic Illustration of the Consensus

For more information, please call or email Sara Baer-Sinnott at 617-896-4848 or









