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5 Years of Healthy Lifestyle Advice Can Have Lifelong Benefits

Even a few years of healthy lifestyle advice can leave a lasting impression on long-term health. European researchers randomly assigned a large group of middle-aged Norwegian men (who were healthy, but at high risk of heart disease) to either a 5-year program with healthy lifestyle advice (specifically, advice to stop smoking, eat less saturated fat, and eat more fish and vegetables), or a control group without the advice. The researchers then followed over 1,200 of these men for 40 years, to monitor any lasting effects on mortality. The scientists conclude that “Receiving advice about a healthy lifestyle led to a long-term reduced risk of coronary mortality during the following 40 years,” and they suggest that “systematically providing effective counselling for a healthy lifestyle for 5 years can lead to lifelong benefits.”
Journal of Internal Medicine. 2016 Feb 29. [Epub ahead of print] (Holme I et al.)

Lifestyle Advice in Kids Linked with Better Nutrition & More Physical Activity

To study the effects of healthy lifestyle counseling, researchers randomly assigned over 400 Danish children (ages 6-8) and their parents to either 6 individualized diet counseling sessions and 6 individualized exercise counseling sessions over 2 years, or a control group with no individualized lifestyle advice. At the end of the study, children who received the counseling advice averaged 9 minutes per day more physical activity and 10 minutes per day less computer and video games than the control group, and also ate significantly more vegetables, fiber, low fat milk, vitamin C, and vitamin E.
Preventive Medicine. 2016 Feb 23;87:81-88. (Viitasalo A et al.)

Learning through Playing Helps Kids Understand the Mediterranean Diet

Childhood obesity is a problem across the globe, so public health experts are working to instill the importance of good nutrition in kids from a young age. In a study in Parma, Italy, more than 8,100 children (ages 8-11) had 3 hours of nutrition lessons 3 different times each year, for 2 years in a row. The lessons consisted of hands-on board games and other toys, to help kids understand the importance of Mediterranean diet components, such as fruits and vegetables, or carbohydrates and fiber. After the lessons, student-answered questionnaires showed that cultural nutrition awareness improved for all grade levels. The researchers conclude that “A stable integration of this method in primary school settings could prepare a new generation of citizens, better educated on health-promotion lifestyles.”
International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition. 2016;67(2):207-15. (Rosi A et al.)

Whole Grains May Help Prevent Heart Attacks

Researchers analyzed the diet of nearly 55,000 Danish adults and then tracked their health outcomes for over 13 years. Those consuming the most whole grains per day had a 25-27% lower risk of having a heart attack than those eating the least amount of whole grains per day. In fact, increasing whole grain intake by 25g per day was linked with a 12-13% lower risk of a heart attack. Among the different types of whole grains, rye and oats appeared to be especially protective.
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 2016 Feb 17. Pii:acjn124271. (Helnæs A et al.)

Processed Barley & Oats Linked with Less Gut Microbiota Diversity

A healthy diversity of gut microbiota is associated with numerous health benefits. To see how processing grains relates to the microbiome in animals, researchers analyzed the gut microbiota of pigs after feeding them whole grain barley and oats, or extruded whole grain barley and extruded oats. Extrusion is a process used to make pasta, cereal, croutons, and other grain products, by sending a flour and water mixture through a die to get uniform shapes. The gut microbiota of pigs eating the extruded grains showed less diversity and less presence of the microbes associated with health. The researchers concluded that “cereal extrusion affects the microbiota composition and diversity towards a state generally thought to be less beneficial for health.”
Food & Function. 2016 Feb;7(2):1024-32. (Moen B et al.)

Healthy Diet with Whole Grains, Fruits, Vegetables May Protect Against Cognitive Decline

Since there is no known cure for cognitive decline, prevention and deceleration of this condition are an important area of research. Most people’s diets change from time to time, so researchers wanted to study how these changes affect cognition. In a study of over 2000 Swedish older adults at least 60 years old, eating a “Western diet” (lots of refined or processed foods, red meats, high fat dairy products, saturated/trans fats, and sugar) was associated with more cognitive decline, whereas eating a more “prudent” diet (a healthy diet with lots of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, rice/pasta, legumes, nuts, fish, and low-fat dairy products) was associated with a deceleration of cognitive decline. However, the most fascinating finding is that every little bit helps. More frequent intake of foods from the “prudent” diet might weaken the negative cognitive effects associated with the Western diet, even if you’re unable to change all your habits.
Alzheimers and Dementia. 2016 Feb;12(2):100-9. (Shakersain B, et al.)

Low Level Mercury Exposure from Fish Appears Safe During Pregnancy

Seafood is a staple in many traditional diets, but many wonder if the health benefits of fish consumption outweigh the risk of mercury exposure. In a study of 334 infants in Ohio, researchers assessed the neurobehavior of infants and the fish intake and blood mercury levels in mothers and cord blood. The researchers “found minimal evidence of mercury associated detrimental effects” on the infants, with no statistically significant problems related to level of mercury consumption when other lifestyle and dietary factors were controlled for. In fact, the researchers also observed that the infants with higher (but still safe) blood mercury levels had better attention and less need for special handling, suggesting that the benefits of fish consumption may outweigh the risks of low-level mercury exposure.
Neurotoxicology and Teratology. 2016 Feb 12. Pii: S0892-0362(13)30007-1. (Xu Y et al.)

Seafood Linked with Fewer Signs of Alzheimer’s Disease

To see how fish consumption and mercury exposure relate to Alzheimer’s, scientists analyzed the food intake of over 500 retired adults in Chicago each year for several years. They then autopsied the brains of 286 of the deceased participants to study signs of Alzheimer’s disease and measure levels of mercury in the brain. The scientists found that eating at least one seafood meal per week was linked with less Alzheimer’s disease pathology (including lower density of neuritic plaques, less severe and widespread neurofibrillary tangles, and lower neuropathologically defined Alzheimer’s disease) in participants with genetic predisposition to Alzheimers disease (APoE4 allele carriers). They also found that higher brain concentrations of mercury were not linked with increased signs of Alzheimer’s disease, and that fish oil supplementation had no effect on these markers.
JAMA. 2016 Feb 2;315(5):489-97. (Morris MC et al.)

Eating Fiber in Young Adulthood Linked with Lower Breast Cancer Risk

Dietary fiber is an important nutrient found in plant foods (mostly in whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and pulses). To study the link between fiber intake and breast cancer risk, Harvard scientists analyzed the adolescent and early adulthood diets of over 90,000 women, and noted any diagnosis of breast cancer. The researchers found that every 10g of fiber in adolescence and young adulthood was linked with a 14% and 13% lower risk of breast cancer, respectively. In fact, those eating the most fiber in adolescence and young adulthood (25g per day) were 25% less likely to get breast cancer than those eating the least fiber (12g per day).
Pediatrics. 2016 Feb 1. pii: peds.2015-1226. (Farvid MS et al). 

Whole Grains Linked with Less Inflammation and Slower Cognitive Decline in Aging

A “grain brain” seems to be a healthy defense against inflammation and accelerated cognitive decline. In a British study, researchers analyzed the diets, inflammation markers, and cognitive health of over 5,000 middle aged adults over six years. The scientists found that those eating diets high in red and processed meat, peas, legumes (mostly baked beans) and fried food, and lower in whole grains, were more likely to have higher levels of inflammation and accelerated cognitive decline. In fact, whole grains had the strongest link to anti-inflammatory markers among all 37 food groups studied.
Clinical Nutrition. 2016 Jan 29. Pii: S0261-5614(16)00035-2. (Ozawa M et al.)

US Whole Grain Intake Improves from 2001-2012, Linked with Better Weight

We know that healthy whole grains are growing in popularity, but new data quantify this trend. Minnesota researchers analyzed the whole grain intake and BMI, waist circumference, and obesity of nearly 45,000 children and adults from 2001 to 2012. The scientists found that while less than 1% of kids and 8% of adults met whole grain recommendations (about 3 oz equivalents per day), whole grain consumption has improved in both groups (adults from 0.72 oz equivalents in 2001 to 0.97 in 2012, kids from 0.56 oz equivalents in 2001 to 0.74 in 2012). The biggest source of whole grains for both kids and adults alike were yeast breads and ready to eat cereals. Those eating the most whole grains had a lower BMI and waist circumference, and were less likely to be overweight or obese. The researchers conclude that “greater whole grain consumption is associated with better intakes of nutrients and healthier body weight in children and adults,” and that “Continued efforts to promote increased intake of whole grain foods are warranted.”
Nutrition Journal. 2016 Jan 22;15(1):8. (Albertson AM et al.)

Consuming Fat from Plant Oils May Help Prevent Cardiac Death

In a large study, researchers from the Global Burden of Diseases Nutrition and Chronic Diseases Expert Group analyzed the fat consumption and coronary heart disease statistics of 186 nations across the world. They found that 10.3% of coronary heart disease deaths were attributable to not eating enough n-6 polyunsaturated fats (found in soy, walnuts, sunflower seeds, and some plant oils), while 7.7% were due to eating too much trans fat (found in margarine and highly processed foods), and 3.6% were due to eating too much saturated fat (found in red meat and butter). In 80% of nations studied, deaths from heart disease due to inadequate n-6 polyunsaturated fats was at least double the heart disease deaths due to too much saturated fat. This suggests that positive messages focused on adding in healthy foods (such as cooking vegetables in plant oils, and sprinkling nuts and seeds on meals) can have an important impact on public health.
Journal of the American Heart Association. 2016 Jan 20;5(1). Pii: e002891. (Wang Q et al.)