ON SALE: Make Every Day Mediterranean: An Oldways 4-Week Menu Plan E-BOOK SHOP NOW
ON SALE: Make Every Day Mediterranean: An Oldways 4-Week Menu Plan E-BOOK SHOP NOW
ON SALE: Make Every Day Mediterranean: An Oldways 4-Week Menu Plan E-BOOK
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Please fill in this form at the beginning of A Taste of African Heritage cooking classes.

ATOAH Student Evaluation: Entrance

MM slash DD slash YYYY
1) How Many Times A Week Do You Cook At Home?
2) How Many Times A Week Do You Eat Home-Cooked Meals?For Instance, If You Cook Twice A Week, But Eat Home-Cooked Meals Five Nights A Week, Please Check “5.”
3) How May Times A Week Do You Cook With Herbs And Spices?
Eat Greens?
Eat Beans?
Eat Different Tubers, Like Sweet Potatoes Or Yams?
Eat Vegetables?
How About Fruits?
Eat Vegetarian-Based Meals?
4) How Often Do You Exercise A Week (Including Walking)?
6) If You’re Not Already Cooking And Eating Healthy, What Is The Biggest Obstacle Getting In The Way?