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By Traditional Diets

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Spice & Herb Usage Varies by Demographic Group

Using spices and herbs to flavor vegetables is a hallmark of traditional diets around the world, but not all Americans today are taking full advantage of these culinary treasures. Researchers in Illinois surveyed 1,042 US adults, census representative in terms of sex, age (except for the 70+ group), income, and geographic region. They found that millennials (age 18-29) and Asian Americans were most likely to use more spices and herbs more frequently, while low-income, male, older (age 50+), and white respondents were less likely to take advantage of spices & herbs when cooking vegetables. The most popular among the list of 20 spices and herbs were garlic, oregano, basil, and paprika.
American Journal of Health Behavior. 2017 Jan;41(1):52-60. (Nikolaus CJ et al.)

Mediterranean Diet Linked with Less Diabetes After Kidney Transplant

Kidney transplants are used to help people with end stage renal disease, but the transplant also puts patients at risk for developing diabetes. To see how diet might be related, researchers followed 468 Dutch adults who had received a kidney transplant, analyzing their health outcomes and eating patterns for about 4 years. Those most closely following a Mediterranean diet were 4 times less likely to get new-onset diabetes after transplantation. Additionally, closely following a Mediterranean diet was also linked with a two times lower risk of all-cause mortality, compared with those not closely following a Mediterranean diet.
BMJ Open Diabetes Research & Care. 2017 Jan 13;5(1):e000283. (Oste MCJ et al.)

Infants Accept Partially Whole Grain Cereal

Early exposure to whole grain foods can shape food preferences later in life, so researchers wonder if it may be worthwhile to start with infants. Infant cereals are one of the first solid foods given to babies to compliment breast milk or formula and are often made from refined grains like white rice or pearled barley. In this study, researchers in Spain worked with parents of 81 infants (4-24 months old) to test the acceptability of 30% whole grain infant cereals (made with whole wheat), compared with a popular refined infant cereal. (Whole wheat was chosen to comply with European infant legislation, to make sure that the amount of fiber was appropriate.) After trying each of the cereals for 3 days in a row, infants were just as likely to accept and finish the whole grain cereal as they were the refined cereal. The researchers concluded that infant cereals are an opportunity to expose young people to whole grains earlier in life, to build a taste for them.
Nutrients. 2017 Jan 13;9(1). pii: E65. (Haro-Vicente JF et al.)

Slow Cooking Sofrito with Onion Helps Improve Antioxidant Capacity

Nutrition researchers are shedding light on synergies that home cooks have intuitively known for centuries: that traditional food pairings and preparations can offer even greater benefits than the ingredients by themselves. Sofrito, a delicious tomato-based puree used in several Latin American, Caribbean, and Spanish soups, stews, and sauces, is one such example of a healthy food tradition. Simmering the sofrito slowly, over a longer period of time, and including an onion in the recipe are not just important for the development of flavor — researchers in Spain found that these steps actually improve the antioxidant capacity and bioavailability of the lycopene, a healthy plant compound found in tomatoes.
Food Research International. 2017 January 11. [Epub before print.] (Rinaldi de Alvarenga JF et al.)

Mediterranean Diet Linked with Less Age-Related Brain Shrinkage

As people age, their brains gradually shrink over time. But certain lifestyle habits may be able to slow this loss. In a study of more than 1,000 elderly Scottish adults, researchers found that those most closely following a Mediterranean diet lost significantly less total brain volume over the 3-year study period than those who didn’t eat a Mediterranean diet. The authors also found that “fish and meat consumption does not drive this change, suggesting that other components of the [Mediterranean Diet] or, possibly, all of its components in combination are responsible for the association.”
Neurology. 2017 Jan 4. pii: 10.1212/WNL.0000000000003559.[Epub ahead of print](Luciano M et al.)

Plant Foods Important to Original Paleo Diet

Archeologists analyzed the preserved plant remains at an Acheulian site in Israel to determine the role of plant foods (if any) in ancient diets. Contrary to the popular, meat-centric interpretation of a paleo diet, the researchers argue that “a wide spectrum of food plants was a permanent aspect of the pre-agricultural hominin economy,” and that the abundance of fruit, nut, seed, and grain plants “is a result of deliberate hominid behavior.” The researchers also found “ample evidence for the important role of fire at GBY [Gesher Benot Ya’aqov], with its control and repeated uses shown by burned lithics and charred wood, bark, grains, and fruits. The plant remains, dating back about 780,000 years, led researchers to conclude that “our results change previous notions of paleo diet.”
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2016 Dec 20;113(51):14674-14679. (Melamed Y et al.)

Mediterranean Diet Shows Better Antioxidant Effect

The Mediterranean diet is a gold standard of healthy eating, and now scientists are learning more about the reasons behind its health benefits. Researchers randomly selected 75 adults (ages 55 to 80) with metabolic syndrome from one of three groups from the PREDIMED trial: a low-fat control diet, a Mediterranean diet with olive oil, or a Mediterranean diet with nuts. All participants had either type 2 diabetes or three or more risk factors for heart disease (smoking, high blood pressure, overweight or obesity, or family history of heart disease). Blood sample analysis revealed that both Mediterranean diet groups had better plasma antioxidant defenses and decreased xanthine oxidase activity (an enzyme linked with oxidative stress and health problems), but no difference in oxidative damage was found between the three groups. The researchers conclude that this antioxidant effect “could at least partially account for the previously reported beneficial effects of [the Mediterranean diet].”
Molecular Nutrition & Food Research. 2016 Dec;60(12):2654-2664. (A Sureda et al.)

Higher Nut Intake Associated with Lower Risk of Heart Disease, Cancer, and More

Nuts are an important source of healthy fats and protein in traditional diets. After analyzing 20 prospective cohort studies, researchers found that those eating the most nuts (peanuts and tree nuts total) had a 24%, 11%, 19%, 18%, and 19% lower risk of coronary heart disease, stroke, cardiovascular disease, total cancer, and all-cause mortality, respectively. The scientists estimate that even eating just one 15-20g serving of nuts each day (about 2-3 tablespoons) is associated with a protective effect.
BMC Medicine. 2016 Dec;14(1):207. (D Aune et al.) 

Mediterranean Diet Linked with Lower Risk of Hip Fracture

Scandinavia has 2 to 3 times the rate of hip fracture compared to Southern Europe. To assess the role of diet in this geographic discrepancy, researchers analyzed two large Swedish cohorts totaling 71,333 people (average age 60) over 15 years, to determine the rate of hip fracture in people with different adherence levels to the Mediterranean diet. Most closely following a Mediterranean diet was associated with 22% lower hip fracture rate, and a 1 year higher age at hip fracture, compared to not following a Mediterranean diet.
Journal of Bone & Mineral Research. 2016 Dec;31(12):2098-2105. (L Byberg et al.)

Healthy Lifestyle Can Reduce Risk of Heart Disease by Nearly 50% in those with High Genetic Risk

Genetics play a large role in disease prevention, but your genes are not your destiny. To determine how healthy lifestyles might mitigate the risk of heart disease, researchers analyzed the genetic risk factors and lifestyle patterns of more than 31,000 men and women across 3 cohorts. The researchers defined a healthy lifestyle by following at least 3 of the following criteria: not being obese, not smoking, exercising at least once per week, and eating a healthy diet. (Those with an unhealthy lifestyle followed 1 or fewer of the criteria). The scientists found that while both genetic and lifestyle factors were independently associated with heart disease risk, having a healthy lifestyle was associated with a 46% lower risk of heart disease in people who are genetically predisposed to heart disease.  
New England Journal of Medicine. 2016 Dec 15;375(24):2349-2358. (Khera AV et al.)

High-Fiber Diet Associated with Fewer Symptoms of Depression in Older Adults

Food may be known to influence our mood, but little is known about the relationship between food choices and mental health. In an Australian study, scientists evaluated the Glycemic Index (a measure of how quickly carbohydrates spike blood sugar) and carbohydrate choices of 1,918 adults’ diets. Participants whose eating habits were highest on the Glycemic Index had a 55% higher likelihood of having depressive symptoms, compared to those with the lowest Glycemic Index intakes. When analyzed by the source of fiber, diets higher in total fiber (more than 27 grams per day), and fiber from vegetables and breads/cereals (mostly whole grain) were associated with a 42%, 46%, and 41% reduced likelihood of having depressive symptoms, respectively. Vegetable consumption was also linked with a significantly lower risk of depressive symptoms.
British Journal of Nutrition. 2016 Dec;116(12):2109-2114. (Gopinath B et al.)

Low Whole Grain Intake & Low Fiber Intake Linked with Gum Disease

Good dental hygiene is essential for healthy gums, but the foods we eat might help protect us against gum disease as well. To see how eating patterns relate to gum health. researchers analyzed national survey data from 6052 US adults. They found that people eating at least 1.5 servings of whole grains per day were significantly less likely to have severe gum disease than those not eating whole grains. Similarly, those eating fewer than 12 grams fiber per day were 27% more likely to have increasing severity of gum disease. However, fruit and vegetable intake was not significantly related to gum health.
The Journal of Nutrition. 2016 Dec;146(12):2530-2536. (Nielsen SJ et al.)