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ON SALE: Make Every Day Mediterranean: An Oldways 4-Week Menu Plan E-BOOK SHOP NOW
ON SALE: Make Every Day Mediterranean: An Oldways 4-Week Menu Plan E-BOOK
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About Oldways

If you’ve visited a farmer’s market, dined out, or shopped in a supermarket in the last 30 years, you’ve likely experienced the positive impact of our passion.

Oldways Cultural Food Traditions
Oldways Cultural Food Traditions

Since 1990, we’ve helped people live healthier, happier lives by offering educational programs, resources, and recipes based on shared cultural food traditions from around the world. It’s a mission we take great joy in, one with proven nutritional and emotional benefits.

Our efforts span consumer advocacy (Oldways Whole Grain Council), heritage diet travel and discovery (Oldways Culinaria Tours), guidance (Oldways Cheese Coalition), as well as the education and celebration of African, Asian, Latin American, and Mediterranean cultural eating traditions (Heritage Diets), and plant-based diets (Plant Forward Plates).

Our Vision: A healthier, happier life through cultural food traditions.

Our Mission: We inspire people to embrace the healthy, sustainable joys of the “old ways” of eating.

Our manifesto

Why embrace the old ways of eating? Heritage. It’s what we’re given before anything else. It shapes our lives, our experiences, and our identities. It’s why we cherish old photos, test our DNA, and travel to distant homelands. It’s where we look to, time and time again, to understand who we are.

Where it relates to food, however, heritage has potential we overlook. The traditional food of our ancestors may make a guest appearance at a holiday or birthday, but for daily nourishment, we’ve come to favor modern eating habits over cultural ones.

Oldways believes food is heritage’s greatest gift of all.

There’s a lot that can be learned by evolving back to the customs of our ancestors. By embracing diets abundant in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and seeds. By maintaining a healthy balance of seafood, yogurt, cheese and meat. And by dressing it all with healthy oils, herbs, and spices.

We inspire people to embrace the healthy, sustainable joys of the old ways of eating.

All wholesome and all nutritious. All simply prepared and simply delicious. And all shared with family and friends through meals infused with time-honored traditions. It’s a recipe inherited and perfected over centuries, by people working hard to make their lives—and the lives of their future generations—healthier and happier.

This is the true gift of heritage, and your invitation to rediscover it.

Our success stories–positive changes, many ahead of their time

Only 30 years ago olive oil was an ethnic ingredient, far from the mainstream product it is today. Oldways helped change public policy and perception about fats—moving away from a fear to a focus on the health benefits. And today—decades later—we continue to be a leader in introducing the Mediterranean Diet and its ingredients to American consumers and health professionals. 

Olive Oil

Popularizing the Mediterranean Diet and Mediterranean Ingredients

Oldways created the Whole Grains Council in 2003, introducing the Whole Grain Stamp in 2005, and we have continued to be a driving force in making whole grains the new norm. Dietary guidelines now state, “Make at least half your grains whole grains,” and the Whole Grains Council survey shows that consumers trust the Whole Grain Stamp. 

Culinary Travel Company

Making whole grains the new norm

Using cultural models to inspire healthy eating, Oldways created and introduced healthy eating pyramids (Mediterranean, Asian, Latin American, Vegetarian/Vegan, and African Heritage), along with education outreach programs. Oldways’ focus on traditional diets as cultural models for healthy eating has paved the way for the current wave of healthy international foods and restaurants.

Latin Heritage Diet

Promoting the importance of cultural foods and cultural food patterns

Long before America knew about Juneteenth, Oldways had promoted the concept of culturally relevant dietary guidance. As Oldways founder K. Dun Gifford said when we presented our cultural dietary pyramids to government officials in the mid-1990s, “One size doesn’t fit all. America is a nation of immigrants.” It’s that understanding and programming that brings Oldways cultural diets to life.

Culinary Travel Company

Addressing cultural relevance and cultural humility

Oldways has been a leader in promoting common sense dietary advice over the fad diet of the moment. This includes bringing scientists, journalists, chefs, and other food experts together to establish scientific consensus around nutrition issues at theOldways’ Common Ground conference, where industry leaders—from vegan to paleo—came together to reach consensus on what makes a healthy dietary pattern.

Person Making a Salad

Championing common sense over fads

Before Michael Pollan’s advice to Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants,” Oldways’ nutrition messaging focused on plant-based heritage diets. Our newsletters feature largely plant-based topics and recipes; our curricula include only plant-based recipes and lessons; our recipe database is mostly vegetarian and vegan; and we created a week-long vegan meal plan for hospitals.


Focusing on plant-based diets

Oldways Culinarias are enriching educational experiences that celebrate tradition, heritage, and connectedness—from meeting farmers and cheesemakers, to cooking alongside chefs, to learning the cultural history of the region and its foods. The Oldways culinary tours are an example of how travel can inspire a change in eating habits and, as a result, help us become better human beings. 

Oldways Cultural Food Traditions

Creating a meaningful culinary travel program

In the late 1990s, Oldways was part of a coalition—along with the American Cheese Society, the Cheese Importers Association, and Whole Foods Market—that helped to retain the 60-day aging rule on raw milk cheeses. We continue to promote the importance of traditional and raw milk cheeses, which provide pleasure for consumers and promote local communities in the US and abroad.

Oldways Cultural Food Traditions

Helping to retain the 60-day aging rule on raw milk cheeses

I am writing to thank you for the incredible resources your organization is providing for my patients. I am a medical doctor in a large multi-specialty clinic practicing Preventive Cardiology in Madison, WI. Of course we have been teaching The Mediterranean Diet to our cardiac patients for years, and the excellent design and readability of your teaching resources is both refreshing and effective. One of my favorite patients actually introduced me to your website by bringing in the cookbook. I have shared it with others in the past few months who comment on the “simplicity” of the recipes——anybody can make these dishes!!

Please accept my kudos for work well done. Your work makes mine more effective as I dedicate my days to keeping patients healthy.

Jane P, MD, Madison, WIDoctor

It was fascinating sharing the experience with other dietitians and learning how they were going to use the insights from this trip with their clients. What was just as interesting was learning from the non-dietitian “food lovers” who had a different perspective.  Having both groups together made it a richer experience.

Rosemary E. Riley, PhD, LDTraveler to Naples/Amalfi and Sicily

This made my RD and Latina heart so happy.  I would definitely take another webinar in Spanish. It was especially helpful to have exposure to various names of foods in English and Spanish.  This will help me better connect with my Latinx clients from various countries in a more meaningful way…  It was valuable to hear in both languages.  It is great that Oldways is always on the forefront of inclusivity, new learning approaches and meaningful content.

Danelle Vallejos, RDRegistered Dietitian

Thanks for the webinars–you guys strike that balance between engaging and useful like no one else!

Janis Jibrin, MS, RDRegistered Dietitian