Explore traditional diets


The Mediterranean Diet reflects a way of eating that is traditional in the countries that surround the Mediterranean, but you don’t need to travel any further than your local...


The African Heritage Diet is a way of eating based on the healthy food traditions of people with African roots. This healthy way of eating is powerfully nutritious and delicious, and naturally meets the guidelines experts recommend for supporting good health.


The Latin American Diet Pyramid preserves and rivitalizes centuries-old traditions and tastes. Whether you are living in Latin America, of Latin descent but living elsewhere, or whether you simply enjoy the vibrant tastes of Latin culinary traditions, we’ll help you learn about the foods...


Asian diets are as varied as the Asian continent is large. Although each Asian country and region has its distinct flavors and cooking styles, there are many unifying characteristics, such as high consumption of plant foods, including vegetables, fruits, beans, legumes, nuts, herbs and...


It’s a fact: Eating plants is very, very good for you and if you eat a lot of them, you can reap the rewards of scientifically proven benefits, which include improved health, lower disease risk, weight loss, and longevity. Find out what your meals would include, if you ate a vegetarian or a vegan...

Dive Into the Mediterranean Diet

What's new at oldways

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Seafood is a marvelous addition to any diet. Its versatile flavors and myriad health benefits have made it a staple in heritage dishes and diets around...
It’s hot! Why not beat the heat with some delicious and nutritious beet recipes? From refreshing beet salads to hearty plant-based beet burgers,...
Putting on a successful BBQ could be considered an art form. It’s an amazing, time-tested way to get loved ones gathered around food, even at the...